God’s way leads to endless hope, while man’s way leads to a hopeless end

The world youngest Hafiz. Guinness record. 3 years old Algerian kid Abdul Rahman Farah smaller Hafiz of the Holy Qu’ran in the world. Despite the fact that the child could not read a single word written. but he was able to memorise the verses of the holy quran through listning to preserve the the book of Allah by heart and erthelh tongue divorced and without any mistakes;

Whoever harms an animal has to repent to Allaah for that, because the Lord of the animals is the One Who has commanded us to be kind towards them (unless they are harmful)

لطفا صلواتی بفرستید و ثواب آن را هدیه کنید به بنیانگذاران و بانیان عارفی که هزینه های راه اندازی و نگهداری این سایت را برعهده گرفتند

